28 Day Challenge

The entire Grade One (students and teachers) are being challenged to a 28 Day Positive Impact Challenge. Each person is being asked to think of one or two ways they can change their daily routines to make a positive impact on the Earth.

Before getting too far, we had to discuss what pollution was. We were able to list off different types of pollution but weren't sure what the definition was. The class used the dictionary to gain a better sense of the definition and then decided on our classroom definition! 

The class started by focusing on global issues that we know about and recognize that they create a negative impact on the Earth.
The class had a long discussion on what are global solutions that companies and large groups of people can take charge of and make a big change. 
We also thought about what are solutions that we can do! We recognized that our solutions are small AND have a POSITIVE impact on the environment.

Here are our thoughts on global issues and what we can do to help! 
 Back to the 28 Day Challenge!

Each grade one person (students and teachers) are going to choose a challenge to complete each day that will lead to a positive impact on the Earth. We hope this action will become a habit!

Some ideas from the Blazing Marshmallows:
1. Do not use plastic straws! (No straws at all or paper/metal straws)
2. Make sure we are recycling our own trash and sorting it!
3. Drink all of the water we pour and not dump it down the drain.
4. Eat all of the food on our plate so we do not dump it in the bin.
5. Unplug your electronics if you are not using them.
6. Use reusable containers instead of plastic baggies or tin foil.
7. Pack your water bottle every day so you don't have to use paper cups.

What other ideas do you have? Parents...will you join our challenge?!

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