Inquiring into ISM Recycling...

The Blazing Marshmallows continued to plan and sketch out their videos and posters to help teacher the ISM community about how to recycle at ISM. While working, we noticed that it was very confusing as to what goes where!

We moved our discussion outside so we could read the labels and talk about what questions we have about the bins. The class wrote down our questions and went back inside to think of next steps. 
 Our next step was to email and meet with someone who had more knowledge about ISM recycling so we could find some answers! The class wrote an email to Mr. Campbell and set up a meeting. During the meeting, we received the name of another teacher, Mr. Woods, who works with our service learning partners and may know more about the recycling at ISM.

Our current status is to continue to research and gather more information about how to properly recycle here at ISM so we can successfully teacher the ISM community through videos and posters!

Stay tuned...

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